Symphonic Rain

Release date
14th June, 2017


Official website URL

Symphonic Rain is currently available in physical package and downloadable Steam versions.
Please note that the package and Steam versions have different system requirements.
The package version is out of print.
*Physical package versions mentioned are Collector’s Edition (2005) and Standard Edition (2007), please be aware that system requirements and specifications for the newest Steam version are different.
Machines guaranteed by major manufacturers that run the Japanese-language version of Windows 7, 8, or 10
*Operation is not guaranteed on self-built, custom-made, or other non-manufacturer systems.
*When installing the game, administrator rights are required.
Monitor capable of displaying 1280x720, full color
Mouse and keyboard, as well as an Internet connection for installation and startup authentication
Symphonic Rain is currently available in physical package and downloadable Steam versions.
Please note that the package and Steam versions have different system requirements.
Computer installed with Japanese-language version of Windows 98 SE/ME/2000/XP.
*Compatibility with later versions of Windows is not guaranteed.
Monitor capable of displaying 640x480, High Color and above (at least 8 MB of VRAM required).
Video card must support DirectX 8.1 and above.
DVD-ROM drive for game installation, mouse and keyboard for gameplay.